Youth offending team efficiency
Putting together costs and results is not enough to make sense of value for money: we use analyses that blend both and explain how organisations compare to each other.

Data envelopment analysis
Through this type of analysis, we know which youth offending teams are making the most of their money. We blend the following information:
Costs | Spend per young offender |
Results | Reductions in first time entrants to the justice system |
Reductions in reoffending by those already in the system | |
Reductions in custody sentences | |
We give a score to each youth offending team, with 100 per cent being most cost efficient.
Cost efficiency scores of youth offending teams in 2015
We are happy to help youth offending teams to understand their value for money better. Other types of organisations are also welcome to contact us. For example, schools, children’s services, hospitals, and police forces can learn about their value for money through our analyses.